Hola from Madeline :)

2/28/12                                                                                                                                   Hey again!

We’ve been so busy! Sunday morning we went to First Baptist of Coleman. Dad sang ‘You Live’, a song that he wrote. Everyone loved it. After that, we went to the Sunday evening service at Fort Cooper Baptist Church. Abigail and I took Elijah to the nursery and Mom and Dad listened to missionary Steven Heidenreich.

I am getting ready for the Georgia Youth Birding Competition. I can’t wait! I’m also trying to finish my drawing for the T-shirt Contest. It is almost finished.

I am very excited that a volunteer group at the Jungle School has started drying in the  house we will be living in. We will be living on the school’s campus! I can’t wait until August when we will be in Ecuador. There are more birds in two acres of the rain forest there than in all of North America. That is a lot of birds.    

So All May Know,

Madeline Studebaker


  1. Lyndsey Gibbs says

    Hey Madeline!
    I am actually finished with my t-shirt drawing! I can not wait to see you for the birding competition! I just got your letter a couple of days ago, and I wrote back the same day so you should get mine soon! So have you gotten any really good books from the library yet? Guess what?!? Today I got my hair permed for the first time ever!! It took almost 5 hours!! But it was sooooo worth it!! When you go. somewhere with Internet you can wee on. facebook. pictures of when I had taken the rollers out.

  2. Hey Lyndsey! Saw your FB picture! Miss you! Say ‘Hello’ to your family for me. 🙂

  3. angel flater says

    hi madeline i just wanted to tell you that i hope you win the t-shirt contest.tell abigail i said hi and i hope the bug thing is doing better, and tell little elijah i said hi.miss you so much.bye.