Send a Kid to Camp!
Please consider supporting our groups opportunity to attend Bible Camp! Your donations will allow them to grow in Spirit and In truth, as JEBE and So All May Know encourage them to become future pastors, prayer warriors, and believers of their generation.
To give, go to and click on the Paypal link to give your gift now! Mark it JEBE Camp so we can make sure your donation goes where you want it to! <3
Backpack Blast Fall 2018
Are you ready for the Backpack Blast? It’s time to be a blessing to 3 needy communities in 3 weeks! We have three 50 lb suitcases waiting to be filled! Choose from sending drawstring backpacks, Children’s Bibles or items from the school supplies listed below. You can also send a monetary gift through Paypal that we can use to purchase additional items. Please do not send notebooks or paper, it is just not economical to ship. All items must be received by April 15th. Thank you so much for your generosity!
Guarding Space in Our Lives
“I have discovered that when my life and my heart get too crowded, there is not enough room for God.”
Exactly! The devotional I am reading really hit the nail on the head. Regardless of the calling that God has placed on your life (teacher, pastor, missionary, plumber) we need to guard the space in our lives that is meant for God. Personally, I struggle with balance. You?

Balancing stones
An unbalanced life is too crowded for God. It is so easy to relegate our spirituality to religious activity when all He really wants is to spend time with us. He wants to wipe away every tear. God longs to share every hurt and celebrate every victory. The Father yearns to wrap His strong arms around us, bringing the peace and balance we so desperately need. (The Simple Things, Mary Southerland)
We can find that balance when we prioritize and seek God first. He’ll enable us to sort out the rest. Begin, and end, with our Father.
Last Tuesday Was #givingtuesday, but it’s Not Too Late !
Why wait for Giving Tuesday?
Now is a great time to give.
Why wait for Giving Tuesday?
We’ve attended our last Ecuadorian church service, we’re cleaning out the pantry and fridge, doing laundry and packing. Leaving is hard even though we are excited about coming “home” for 6 months. We leave Paute on Wednesday to head over the Andes to the airport in Quito.
Please pray for our family that we will be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and have God’s protection spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically.
If you feel led to contribute to our airfare and transportation here’s a link to make it fast and easy (We know it’s a busy time of year!)
It’s time for a furlough.
Update Week of April 22
Another week of blessings!
* In Kidstuf, our Children’s Bible and English class, we made Jesus sun-catchers.

* There were 23 (wow!) in youth Friday night and Eric shared about obedience to God. With all the new faces coming in we are having to constantly monitor appropriate displays of affection. This can be challenging due to different cultural expectations and hormones. We are asking God to help us address this with both the children and their families in a manner of love and respect.

*This morning there were 5 in the 7:30am Men’s Bible Study. Eric said it went really well. I wasn’t invited, but he did take a picture!!

*We’ve reached a verbal agreement to rent a different house a few blocks away. It is quite a bit smaller than the one we rent now, but the rent is less and it is across from a basket ball court.

*Here are some pictures from the kids cookie baking class. It went really well and they have requested to learn how to make carrot soufflé next time.
If you missed our last update- here it is
So All May Know,
The Studebaker Family in Ecuador
March and a bit of April 2017
It’s been a wonderful, blessed and busy month. Don’t be surprised if our updates are less frequent – trying to keep up with family life, a busy baby boy and ministry doesn’t leave much time for Facebook!
-We’ve just wrapped up a unit on food and metamorphosis in the kids English/Bible class.
-Elijah is learning to play chess and joined a group of local adults playing in town. He lost one game and won two. He is still attending weekly soccer practice.
– Madeline is still volunteering with Unsion in Cuenca. She recently snuck in through a morgue to pray with patients at a hospital. Oh, the stories that girl has!
-Abigail is preparing for her Quinceanera the 12th of next month. She found a dress and is getting excited about participating in this cultural birthday experience.
-Malachi had his first birthday party. It was SO much fun for us, but he was a bit overwhelmed by the crowd. 🙂


-Visas. Eric has his new visa. The four children have had their visas submitted and we are awaiting approval for them. Mine, well, I don’t have one. We have had three different issues with my FBI reports. Once it was just late, then it came with a typo in the name, this time it has been stamped incorrectly. We have submitted another request (and fee). Once it arrives we will try again. Thank you for your prayers in this matter- they did not have to allow me additional time to try again, I know that God blessed us <3 with His favor.
– Evangelism. The dramas went really well last week in Paute. Several hundred people were in attendance and many more strolled by watching. We’re scheduling more dramas in other (smaller) communities for the future!
– Many of you responded to our request for prayer after my brother’s motorcycle accident. He has had several surgeries, a skin graft and is scheduled for a bone graft. He is making progress and is currently at his home. Thank you for all of your prayers.
-Please be in prayer for our family’s mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health. Our contract on the house we are renting is up at the beginning of June and we need to find another home in this area. We’re looking at a smaller house next to a basketball court that would be great for our family, ministry and hopefully our budget.
Kidstuff on Wednesday the 14th!
We had a great time singing, dancing, and learning! Classes are now free, so once word gets out we are expecting a room full! English and Bible, Hokey Pokey- Give your Heart to Jesus! ABC Vocabulary, Shapes and Colors.