Elijah, Andy, Moo-chella, and Me

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

10:00 am


Abigail and Daddy are with the team in Puca-Chicta today.

I thought I was going to get to lay in bed all day, but then I remembered that I had to watch Elijah because Mom would be teaching Dad’s classes.

“Ha, ha Muggy! You are sleeping I am awake! Hahaha,” Elijah screamed directly into my ear canal.

“Uuuugghhh.” was all I could manage. See, it takes me a while to wake up.

So after Abigail and Daddy left, Mom went to the school.

And she came right back.

“Madeline,” she said, “You know how Ms. Cecelia has a little boy Elijah’s age?”

I rolled over to face her. “Mmmm…”

“Well, she thought I would be able to watch him today,”

“Yohastagoaschoo,” I mumbled. Takes my mouth a while to wake up, too.

“Yeah, okay, so I want you to keep an eye on him, for a little while, until her husband can pick him up,” she said.

I was now fully awake. “What?”

But she was already at school.

Ms. Cecelia was really nice, she said Andy had juice and cookies, and thank you for watching him.


So, here I am.

We played with toy cars, little Buzz Lightyears, our cow doll Moo-chella, puppets, blocks, magnets… in short, all of the toys.

We tried to communicate.

Then we ate Doritos.

We drank juice.

We read Brown Bear, Brown Bear. Twice.

We cried because we got in trouble for spitting juice out.

We are currently watching Chicken Little on a disc with 5 animated films in Spanish.

Still tying to communicate….




  1. Miss Margie says

    Hi, Madeline!
    So good to read about you and your family and see your picture in your school uniform. We keep you in our prayers.
    Love to you,
    Miss Margie in Young Harris, GA,USA 🙂