We had a great time at SIP91 last night. We heard a devotion and watched two related videos, had coffee, cookies and wraps, and played several games. What a super group of young people!!
Hogar- Friday 14th of September 2016
We saw seven kids Friday.
The Bible story and coloring sheet was on David and Goliath.
This Friday- these seven kids- some didn’t know the story of David and Goliath.
Never heard it.
Please pray for us as we go and share, that God would give us more of Him that these children might come to know Him. …
So All May Know
BTW- We’d like to give each child their very own Bible book for their birthday. Please let us know if you would like to help give
them that gift.
The Apron
The apron is so pretty, every time I put it on I feel like twirling around!
I wear it to cook for my family, to cook for our friends, to cook for those that I hope will become friends and family in Christ.
Last week a women asked me about the apron.
I explained it was a gift, made by a sister in Christ. She was obviously impressed.
Much time and love was put into something made for serving others.
Our guest noticed.
40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25:40New International Version (NIV)
Am I serving as if it were HIM that I am serving?
Because according to Matthew 25:40 it is doing it for HIM.
Regardless of if we are in a pretty apron or mud boots, how we serve is important.
People notice. HE notices.
Let us serve well.
September 5, 2016 Update. Praying, Preaching and Reaching!
Here’s a quick update on the happenings here in Ecuador. Thank you for taking the time to read it and, most importantly, to join us in prayer!
Elijah lost another tooth. He isn’t enjoying seatwork, but loves to work on projects with Eric or be outside.
We searched all over to find a special thermometer for Madeline’s Biology course and finally found one (with help!) Her classes are going well.
School has resumed in the house. Abigail is doing well in her studies and is learning to sign a song to share at church.
Malachi is starting to scoot and laugh. He is sleeping less and growing fast. Our updates are likely to stay brief as there is now limited time now to type without baby drool soaking the keyboard!!
We’ve replanted the aquaponics bed and garden, replaced a pump in the aquaponics system and Eric has made a few repairs to the car.
We’ve hosted several families for dinner and tea, and cleaned and prepped the SIP to re-open.
This week:
Children’s English and Bible classes resume this Wednesday. After much prayer, there is one BIG change this time- it’s free. We’re expecting more children and more FUN! The money from the classes was paying the rent, but we are trusting that God will provide the $200 needed every month. Please be in prayer for all the aspects of this ministry: evangelism, outreach, safety, love, discipline, wisdom….
We visited the orphanage and saw several faces we remembered. Sadly, many faces we loved aren’t there any more. Some of the children have been relocated with family members and some of the staff is gone. One staff member that isn’t there is the director. We are scheduled to meet the new director this Friday. Please be in prayer that we will have God’s favor and continued access to the children on a regular basis.
Every Friday (beginning this week) we will open up the SIP to the community with music, a devotion, snacks, and games or a movie. Our focus during this time will be on teenagers and young adults. We’re actively inviting other churches and the unchurched to join us. Please be in prayer that this reaches many and opens doors for salvations and discipleship.
This week begins Elijah’s Spanish classes 2x per week. He was so little and cute, no one ever corrected him and he has not acquired as much of the language as we would have hoped. Please pray that he and his teacher will bond, that our little man will be a good student, and that he will learn much. Prayerfully, we will be able to add on classes for the rest of the family.
Eric gave the message this past week- in Spanish! We’re so proud of him as he strives to learn the language, disciple and share the Gospel. He is back on the rotation for preaching and will be helping with the discipleship of the Paute youth group on Saturdays. The adult Bible and English class will begin this Thursday. These will be given at no charge as well.
Also, this week Eric will be preparing for his drivers license test in Spanish (English isn’t offered). This is especially difficult because it utilizes a completely different set of vocabulary that we have been learning and in written form is without context clues. Please pray that he won’t stress out and will do well on his test. Eric will have his hands full throughout the week. Please keep him and the ministries he is serving in your prayers.
This week we will be able to deliver 50 copies of a chronological Bible study to the local church. We purchased the study (in Spanish) from NTM before we returned and the local copy shop is duplicating and binding it. Thank you for helping fund this <3
Coming soon:
In October we will be making a trip to the jungle. Please pray that the car we were able to recently purchase makes the trip safely and that it is a fruitful time. We are beginning the planning now.
We are super excited about the prospect of groups coming to serve with us here in Ecuador. There have been people inquiring about coming with groups from church or work, individuals and families. Some people have asked about staying long term. (You can stay in Ecuador for up to three months without a visa!) Would you pray that God will open and close doors as He brings workers to His fields?
12 days back and blessed!
We’ve been back 12 days already!!
We’ve had a blessed return with safe travels, old friends and new!
Our luggage was picked up in Blue Ridge by Pastor Marcus McGill and taken to Jacksonville, FL.
From there, Pastor Mike Reed took the 12 pieces of luggage to Bushnell FL.
We have yet to meet Pastors McGill and Reed!
Josh, a friend of ours picked us up in Bushnell, FL and drove us to Miami pulling a trailer with our luggage.
Our luggage was taken curbside and were processed in minutes without incident.
The flight was changed to a nonstop from Miami to Guayaquil, Ecuador.
We arrived after a 4.5 hour flight and our local friend Nestor was waiting to take us across the Cajas to Paute.
(No-one got carsick!)
We had several days worth of work getting our personal items out of storage and unpacking our bags.
Becky caught us up to date with the status on the orphanage, aquaponics, classes and chickens and made sure we had some food ready in the freezer!

Eric is going to be preaching at the local church,
and we are searching for an affordable automobile so we can minister in the surrounding areas
and orphanage with all 6 of us.
(Thinking about sending support? Look here: https://soallmayknow.org/contact-us/ )
Malachi just turned four months, classes online and homeschool begins the last week of this month,
and Elijah wants to resume karate.
We are praying about the best ways to build community and reach the youth in the area through the SIP.
We are seeking God’s favor with the incoming director at the orphanage.
We strive to keep you updated on what is happening here so you can pray for us.
Please feel free to help us by sharing with your church or small group.
So All May Know,
The Studebaker Family
Eric, Amy, Madeline, Abigail, Elijah and Malachi
Another Term Awaits Another Passport!
December 16, 2015 at the SIP Ministry Center
Eric with some of his students at the SIP!

January 5, 2016
This week is off to a great start! We had 12 in the children’s class this afternoon. That is a great turn out for our first day back from break! We reviewed our vocabulary, played games, and read about Daniel and the lions den. Tyler will be heading up the adult classes this evening.
Tomorrow we are going to Hogar to work with the kids. Our plan is paint the little wooden cars that were donated and talk about the choices we have; where we are going and the choices we make about where we are going for eternity.
It is time for a replanting in the aquaponics system, we have seed in the ground for a traditional garden, and we will be trying out trout and tilapia in the tanks.
Later this week we have community movie night, and we will be taking time to to teach Tyler and Eunice about making the different cookies and coffee drinks for the cafe’.
January 1, 2016
A night of drama and song with our church family.
Una noche de drama y canción con nuestra familia de la iglesia.

January 13, 2016
Just five days until we fly back to the USA for our furlough. It is strange how I can be so excited and yet sad at the same time. Headed to the Dr.’s office to get a certificate to fly, getting everyone packed, and setting the house and ministry stuff in order before we go. Tyler and Eunice are doing a great job getting ready to assume the responsibilities while we are gone. Please keep everyone in your prayers as we transition!
Our plan is to be in the USA from January 18th until sometime around August. Upon arrival, we plan on staying a week in Florida and a week in NC to visit family and friends. Eric has been blessed with part time work that starts on February 1st in Blairsville, GA. The baby is expected the beginning of May by c-section. God is good, and we are thankful!