Perhaps you’re curious as to why Eric is grinning in a bar?
No, he didn’t consume the beverages pictured!

Here is a bit of the story.
No one was answering their cell phone and we needed a taxi driver to scout the town for a place to rent for ministry.
There was a feeling of urgency, for time is short and the fields are ready for harvest.
So, where is the ministry center God?
Eric walked to station and requested a taxi. The driver took us to a few open spaces. They were tiny and the prices weren’t.
How about a discotec bar? asked the driver…
The owner was more than happy to rent it to us, his house sits atop of the space and he says it gets noisy.
So we left in a daze, grinning from ear to ear. I am quite sure the owner didn’t really understand.
After all, how can he see the tremendous spiritual battle being fought, the territory gained in those few moments, but prepared for by hours of prayer?
Walking home, we laughed and cried. The five of us talking in spurts of praise and laughter. How good our God is to us. How good it is that he chooses to use mere people and provides for us. He has come to set His people free and we are blessed to be able to share that Good News!
We are excited about the new space where classes will be starting soon and we envision a coffee house ministry in the future.
The girls laughed and said they can claim to work in a bar. Amazing, that the Lord is allowing us to share the Gospel where the chains of darkness bound people!
For now, we will empty it, clean it, prepare it with prayer.
Please keep praying, He is listening!