There’s something special about babies.
That special something carries over to expecting momma’s.
When we first arrived in Ecuador one of the first tummies that I rubbed belonged to a woman named Jessica.
We’ve been back to her village several times and always check in on her.
Bigger and bigger this last time she waddled to me stating, ” Six more days” .
We waited ten days and arrived with a bag of diapers, onesies, and baby wash.
With a smile she led us up the ladder to see her yet un-named 3 day old daughter.
The five older children followed, staring at us.
It’s a platform house, the only walls enclose the bedroom. There is no electricity and no bathroom.
The wood floor is clean. The children smile. Jessica’s new baby kicks chubby legs and has a head full of hair.
Still, they are poor spiritually. You see, they don’t know much about my Jesus.
We’ll be back in a few weeks with another bag for the baby. We will learn her name and take more pictures.
We will pray for them again and tell them more about our Jesus.
The things we bring them are good. They are a way to help and to build relationships.
The Jesus we tell them about is priceless.

Please pray for us as we reach out to families and share the Good News!