It’s been a wonderful, blessed and busy month. Don’t be surprised if our updates are less frequent – trying to keep up with family life, a busy baby boy and ministry doesn’t leave much time for Facebook!
-We’ve just wrapped up a unit on food and metamorphosis in the kids English/Bible class.
-Elijah is learning to play chess and joined a group of local adults playing in town. He lost one game and won two. He is still attending weekly soccer practice.
– Madeline is still volunteering with Unsion in Cuenca. She recently snuck in through a morgue to pray with patients at a hospital. Oh, the stories that girl has!
-Abigail is preparing for her Quinceanera the 12th of next month. She found a dress and is getting excited about participating in this cultural birthday experience.
-Malachi had his first birthday party. It was SO much fun for us, but he was a bit overwhelmed by the crowd. ๐


-Visas. Eric has his new visa. The four children have had their visas submitted and we are awaiting approval for them. Mine, well, I don’t have one. We have had three different issues with my FBI reports. Once it was just late, then it came with a typo in the name, this time it has been stamped incorrectly. We have submitted another request (and fee). Once it arrives we will try again. Thank you for your prayers in this matter- they did not have to allow me additional time to try again, I know that God blessed us <3 with His favor.
– Evangelism. The dramas went really well last week in Paute. Several hundred people were in attendance and many more strolled by watching. We’re scheduling more dramas in other (smaller) communities for the future!
– Many of you responded to our request for prayer after my brother’s motorcycle accident. He has had several surgeries, a skin graft and is scheduled for a bone graft. He is making progress and is currently at his home. Thank you for all of your prayers.
-Please be in prayer for our family’s mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health. Our contract on the house we are renting is up at the beginning of June and we need to find another home in this area. We’re looking at a smaller house next to a basketball court that would be great for our family, ministry and hopefully our budget.