July 21-30 2015

Another weekly update and another chance to brag on all that God is doing!

Transitioning into new areas of ministry has had its challenges, and trying to fit into another ministry has been daunting. However, we are meeting many new friends through the process!

On Saturday, we attended Centro Cristiano, a local church and made several new acquaintances. One couple, Enrique and Rosita, have dropped by several times bringing various foods and had us over for tostados and chocolate to meet their son. As this relationship deepens, we will be praying about how to better serve them and their community.

We are excited about building a relationship with the local Baptist church and partnering with them in evangelical outreach ministries both here in Paute and the surrounding mountain communities. A family in leadership roles at the church came over so we could get to know each other better. It is an awesome thing when you share a meal with a family (over candle light due to an almost 24 hour power outage) and immediately feel a connection.

A meeting to dig in a little deeper and get a better grasp on the needs of Hogar, the orphanage is coming up this week. An orphanage ministry is new to us, but kind of familiar because of our serving the children in the jungle, and is really exciting. We have had approved monthly VBS Fun Fridays at the orphanage and will be discussing weekly Bible studies at the meeting as well as other needs.

In another answer to prayer, we have three upcoming youth events to attend at two different churches and that is the first step in our kids making new friends, right?!

This Thursday night, church services will begin in the outreach center with Pastor Leonardo. Then, our open house at the center is on the 23rd. We are praying that the benches and counter will be delivered before then. The culture here values relationships more than time frames, so we are really growing in the area of patience as we wait expectantly for the furniture! The young man who is building the furniture is not a believer and has come over for several meetings. Please pray for this relationship.

Eric and William had a good time in the jungle and all the meetings went smoothly. We are excited about working in Bella Vista this summer and finishing (hopefully) the installation of the aquaponics system. Eric and William talked about the Bible for 8 hours there and 8 hours back. They didn’t even turn on the radio. Thank you for your continued prayers for their relationship and discipleship.

There is so much going on I could just keep typing and typing! We will have guests from the US coming and going in June and July, are planning on hosting a Girls Retreat in August and Women’s Retreat in September… the list goes on.

Thank you so much for your love, prayers and support.

So All May Know,

The Studebaker Family