Hola from Madeline


Yesterday interns Tyler and Keri arrived! They are very nice. I am looking forward to being in their classes.

Today, we had the pleasure of meeting a spider-monkey family! There were three, and they were hanging out in the trees around our cabin. They were eating what the native people call paki. There was a baby monkey, too. We watched them for a long time. Then Anthony got a banana and put  it at the bottom on the tree the monkeys were in. The male slowly climbed down, picked it up with his tail and climbed part of the way up. Then he shoved the whole banana in his mouth and threw us the peel. Apparently, if the female or baby wanted some, they would have to get it themselves. So we got some more bananas. This time, the female climbed down, looked at us, and grabbed the banana. She thanked us by throwing the peel at us and sticking out her tongue. They were sadly scared off by the Davalos’ little dog, Sugar.

We also played Yahtzee, Apples to Apples, and read an I Spy book with Saida and Jadyra.

By next Monday, we should be in our new cabin! I will probably be sleeping in the loft, and even though hot air rises, it gets kind of chilly at night.

It can be a little annoying when the power goes out for hours, and when the internet goes out for days. But we are alive.

I will try to post whenever we have connections to the internet.


Madeline Studebaker


  1. Cindy Flater says

    Loved the pictures of the monkeys. Did you know I used to call my cousin spider monkey because he was always swinging around, on everything he could 🙂
    Hope you got to move into your cabin today. It looks very nice from the pictures and looks like everyone has been working really hard to finish it.
    You should read about how people in Seattle, Washington handle all the rain and dark skies to see if there are some ideas on finding the sunlight in the darkness. It can be hard but God will see you through it.
    If you can watch youtube videos there is a really cool guy who does some major shadow puppets – maybe you can give some a try the next time the power goes out.
    Glad you have some games to play, yahtzee is one of our favorites. We were playing twister the other night and couldn’t stop laughing.
    Love and miss you all – be sure to tell Abigail and Elijah we said hello
    Greg, Cindy, Ben and Angel

    • The Studebakers says

      Sorry it took so long for me to respond… We have been really busy with school.
      Sounds like your cousin would have fit in around here!
      The power does go out a lot, and when that happens the internet and phones stop working until it comes back on.
      We have been in the new cabin for a while. Sometimes it seeems like there are just as many bugs inside as there are outside, but I know we are blessed to have a roof over our heads. Some of the people here sleep in what I would have called “treehouses” back in the States.
      Yesterday we played Apples to Apples with some of the kids here, it was really cool to see how everybody thinks. 🙂
      We miss seeing you guys at church and youth group.
      -Madeline Studebaker