Hola from Madeline <3




It rained the past few days. And it was the kind of rain that’s so loud you yell to hear each other when you’re standing 5 ft. apart. It stopped yesterday. That’s good, because now we can all think and breathe without the constant pounding of rain driving us crazy.

Today Dad was able to help some of the guys who work here fix this cabins water heater. They don’t speak any English. And we haven’t had hot water for the past 4 weeks. But tonight we are all going to have hot showers. 🙂

I am getting excited about school. Most of my friends already started in the states. Jungle School starts on the 4th of August. The government is changing a lot of laws about school, and its confusing not knowing whats going on. But, hey, who doesn’t mind a few days of extra vacation?

Its also extra time for trying to make friends. The kids here are really nice, but the girls can be shy. They are teaching me to play 4 square, and I am slowly, slowly getting better. I still miss my friends back home, though.

I’m getting bored of the food too, its like rice, beans, and soup every day. But mom got some new recipes and they should help.

There are like two seasons here: Rainy season, and Extra Rainy season. This is Rainy season, and already its raining every other day.

I’m going to start blogging more now that we have internet again.


So All May Know Him,

Madeline Studebaker


  1. Ashlee Stanley says

    hey chica i jyst got done reading some of your blogs it sounds like you doing well and loving school 🙂 and i try to look at the pictures every day. Their are some big bugs their 🙂 i write you another little letter later i love you with all my heart give everybody a hug and tell them i love them please :))