Where Did You Get Your Pattern?

We use patterns for so many things.  Clothes.  Hair.  Buildings.  Behavior.

Often, we don’t stop and think about where our patterns are coming from or to see if they are of good quality.

Television.  Magazines.  Friends at school.  The Bible.

Nagi at Girls Bible Study soallmayknow.org

The main idea for the past few weeks with the girls that Christ should be our model and that the Bible tells us how to live our lives.  This is the best pattern created for us by our Creator!

Genesis 1:27

27 So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them.


Titus 2:7

in all things showing thyself to be a pattern of good works; in doctrine showing uncorruptness, seriousness, sincerity,


Girls Bible Study soallmayknow.org

Please keep us in your prayers because as we progress we will be delving into the wrong kinds of models- like idols.


Girls Bible Study- Ana.  soallmayknow.org


Praise and Worship


Saturday Eric was out on the front porch having some time in worship when the boys came by.

Turns out, Emerson can play and the boys can sing!!!

We had an impromptu praise and worship time together and shared some grapefruit.

I am so thankful that God’s plans trump our schedule.


Magic Pot

Our schedule is pretty full. Yours probably is too.

It’s a temptation to get tired, isn’t it?

To see schedules and groceries and plans- and not souls.

To not really see and appreciate the wonderful workings of God.

Like a crock pot.

I imagine you know what a crock pot is. While there are some really fancy ones, the plain ones are reliable, easy to locate, and inexpensive. That is the kind we brought with us to Ecuador. It is plain, white (with just a little rust) and as reliable as Old Faithful. I keep in on the shelf and use it multiple times per week.

I have never thought that much of it. It has become a standard tool that I take for granted. If it were to break, I would miss it, but it’s just a crockpot.

Certainly I have never considered it magical.

But my friends here do.

They call it “The Magic Pot”

Kids crowd around it, watching, gently touching it and whispering.

“No fire? No gas?” (Honestly, our crockpot drew a crowd.)

Perhaps I need to stop taking things for granted like:

Last weekend there was an impromptu worship service on the front porch.

We are healthy and happy.

Our internet and electricity are working.

The hot water is working again.

We have a church family that loves us and prays for us.

So many, many things. Everything. Every single thing.

And while it isn’t “magic” it certainly is AWESOME that we serve an AWESOME GOD!                                                                       


Maybe you don’t plug in your magic pot that often. Perhaps when you do it isn’t all that spectacular.It’s okay if the crock pot isn’t your thing.

But as a fellow follower of Christ, you are missing out if you aren’t plugging into to some good stuff elsewhere.

The recipe book is an oldie but goody.

It’s the Bible, and if yours is dusty you ain’t been cooking up the good stuff.

Plug into some prayer and worship.

If you don’t have the energy, this will light your fire and get you cookin!

An empty pot won’t produce a filling meal.

Get filled with a relationship with Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

Finally, share.

This pot won’t go empty if you follow the steps above. It’s meant to be shared.

And you might just draw a crowd that wants to see how your pot works.

Because not everyone has it.

Then you can tell them that it’s reliable (works 24/365), easy to locate (no wifi needed), and inexpensive (FREE)

Love to you all.



We just added it up… We served 68 small meals and snacks along with a serving of the Word this week  Whoooo-hooooo!!!!!!





Prepping for an overnight trip into the jungle….

Pastor Ramiro and Cecelia came over to make packing lists! We were ready to leave at 6:30am and head into the jungle for an overnight trip. Thank you to everyone who prayed for our safety. We were so blessed and encouraged. We visited another village downriver from Bella Vista on Saturday and Eric shared the Gospel on Sunday. One lovely lady came forward in response to the invitation. Pastor Ramiro received two bags full of clothes to be  shared through their ministry.


September 8, 2014

Every time that I look at the news, I am reminded of how much we have to be thankful for.

Here’s an update on what is happening here.

We have finally finished cleaning and unpacking the suitcases. It is amazing how much mold can grow and how many bugs can move in!

School has started and Eric is teaching the English classes in the jungle at Shiri-puno. Eric and Elijah are taking a bus this morning to Tena to get the supplies for the week.  Eric is putting an extension on the porch roof to help create shade and hopefully keep the house a little cooler.  This week he will put screens in the remaining two windows.

One of the missionary couples in our area is relocating to the coast, so they are selling a lot of their household goods.  We hope to be able to get another crockpot and a dining room table from them.

A large colony of bats has taken up residence in the rafters between the bedrooms.  We are diligently trying to find a way to get them out without hurting them (they eat a lot of insects) but they must leave because they make a lot of noise at night and can carry disease.  🙁

The afternoon classes and programs at our home resume next Monday the 15th.  In addition to Bible, English, Youth, and baseball, this year we will be adding a puppet ministry, with the intention of taking the puppet team to visit the villages further out and share the gospel.

As always, we covet your prayers.

Thank you for your prayers for our family’s mental, physical and spiritual well being in addition to prayers for the children and families that we minister to.

To God be the glory,

The Studebakers

If you love us… or even just like us!

Family and friends if you would like to come and visit us in Misahualli, Ecuador, now is the time. These ticket prices are AWESOME.. Very economical…399 round trip!!! If you love us you will come……..

LAN Airlines’ BIG DEAL Sale is back with incredible savings on fares to South America. Fly from the U.S. from only $399 roundtrip, final price when you book your ticket by June 9, 2014. These fares are for fall travel between September 5 and December 10, 2014. Travel must be completed by December 15, 2014.


Bats Don’t Read

“Someone bring me broom, I just saw something moving by the bed.  It might be a …”
Then the lights went out.

It sounds like a scene from a poorly crafted movie, but it’s just our life. 
As quick as the lights went out, they came back on.  Running out of the bedroom we waited on Eric to identify whatever it was while we lit candles.   The verdict?

A bat.
Lights out.   Again.  This time they stayed out.
We were able to make out the silhouette of something moving through the air.  Recalling what I had read, I instructed the children to stand still, the bat would see us using its echo-location and navigate around us.

We stood.

I read it, after all.

Well, bats don’t read.
It just so happened that this bat thought a large immobile stucture would make a good perch and he clung on to my arm.
Screaming and flailing ensued.
The lights came back on in time for Eric to make a baseball like swing at Mr. Bat.

Poor thing.  He didn’t bite me, he just needed a rest.
Unconscious, the bat was taken outside, where he later came to his senses and flew away.

I can now add bat perch to my resume.


We harvested enough for the ten children that helped harvest to take home big bags of oranges to their families (and we still  had enough left for youth and breakfast!)  How many can you spot in the tree?

Practicing for the Parade

Our ministry sponsored a few of the girls from our youth program to be in the parade.  They worked moving yard debris and limbs to earn part of the money to rent their costumes.



This video is a few school girls practicing their dance for the town celebration parade!